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 How many women find themselves in a similar situation, built and equipped for leadership and yet not invited to do so?  What is God’s design for leadership? What will the Church do with the bright, educated, Jesus-loving women I continue to meet who struggle in others perception of women in the pulpit and ministry and even President of the United States?


Women and Men in leadership need to be reliable. The example is set in the leader for the rest of the team to follow. Commitment and loyalty are passed on through demonstration. Team members appreciate effort. Ruth shows how reliable and steadfast she was to everyone.

Revitalization- Follow Through and Reasses

Ruth reassessed the journey at pivotal moments. The church needs to reassess each year to keep on track with revitalization efforts. The reassessment sheds light on areas of improvement. Most churches lose relevance by not having a pulse on faith and the surrounding community.

 With Ruth, the opposite was true. She was a woman from a sinful land, yet was willing to stand up and choose God and follow through with her actions. Ruth’s decision is a picture of God’s grace. Ruth was a Gentile (non-Jewish) woman who didn’t know the Lord; yet, despite her difficult trials and heartache she clung to Naomi and was determined to accompany her (verse 18). Ruth’s loyalty to Naomi is a parallel picture of how we are to respond to Christ by saying, “I will not leave you, Lord. Wherever you go, I will go.”

Contact us (404)355-6088 for registration for one of our Leadership Reliability and Relatability Seminars August 2, 9, 11 and for resources on Church Revitalization Reassessments.

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